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FLASH INK | Day Of The Dead



Tattoo Flash Design

2017/18/19 - In celebration of the Day of the Dead, All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day, & Halloween. We are offering a free download of our sugar skull tattoo flash. 

This design features a sugar skull with roses. The flash sheet also has the skull and rose as a separate design. This will only be available until November 2. One download per person and limited to personal use only.

| Symbolism | Day of the dead is an annual celebration to honour the spirits of the dead, observed in Mexico and other Latin American countries on November 1 and 2, concurrently with All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day

This offer is now over. Head over to the website to buy this design.

Copyright The art may be angled , cropped or watermarked for copyright reasons, please do not use the art.  Tattoo Flash Head over to the shop to see more flash designs

Thanks Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. Inky love x Dionne



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