| Sacred Dragonfly |
| Small Custom Tattoo Design | 4.5" height |
This design was for the lower arm.

It features personal symbolism, based around a dragonfly

An Instant Design is when the client receives a finished design ( based on a given brief)
I am really thankful when people place their trust fully with me. It is a really nice way of working.
It isn’t a collaborative design, where I receive feedback and make requested changes.

2 dragonflies , which a a link to the past and future
The Dragonfly represents change, transformation, adaptability & self-realisation.
The Dragonfly means hope, change, love, living freely & to the fullest. The Dragonfly has been a symbol of happiness, new beginnings and change for many centuries. According to Swedish culture, dragonflies approach people to measure the purity of their soul. They try to check whether people are evil souls. According to Vietnamese culture if they fly low, they predict rain. High, they predict sunny and bright. Medium, they predict overcast.
According to Danish and Portuguese culture, dragonflies represent dark symbolism.
According to Navajo culture, the dragonfly represents purity and happiness.
According to Japanese culture, a dragonfly represents the end of summer and beginning of winter.
During their lifetime, these insects are brightly coloured. However, they become colourless and transparent after death.

It also features an icosahedron, moon , pathways, cosmic shapes & geometry.
Slide >>>>>>
Copyright P.A, please do not use the art.Â
Huge thanks go out to my fab client.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.
Inky love x
