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CUSTOM INK | Double Metatron | Archive


I have a hundreds of design which have been created since 2014. Most of them I haven't yet managed to get around to sharing on line.

I am trying to rectify this in 2021, but looking through the archives and posting a few here and there!



| Large Custom Tattoo Design From The Archive | 40 cm height|

Final Design

Double Metatron | Tattoo Design | Punctured Artefact
| Final Design |

Theme : Sacred Geometry. Life/energy & the connections to it

Double Metatron | Tattoo Design | Punctured Artefact
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It includes multiple Metatron inspired motifs. Alongside, Asanoha pattern, 4 Elements ( Water, Earth, Fire, Air) Arrows, 5 Platonic Solids, DNA shapes (e.g Hexagons)

Double Metatron | Tattoo Design | Punctured Artefact
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Double Metatron | Tattoo Design | Punctured Artefact
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Symbolism | Metatron’s cube is closely related to Sacred Geometry, which has existed in many forms throughout the history. The term geometry was derived from the Greek words geos and metron that means earth and to measure respectively. It simply refers to the study of shapes and mathematical formulas that can be found in nature |

SLIDE >>>>>>



| Head to the store by following these links | Metatron | Sacred Geometry Collection



The art may be angled , cropped or watermarked for copyright reasons, please do not use the art. 


Huge thanks go out to my fab client.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

Inky love x




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